It has been a crazy year; I attended the "illustration master class" which was an amazing experience (I'll post more on this later). I was nominated for a chesley, and that was a fantastic honor. I won first place for my painting that I produced at the master class at Gencon. I won best amazon at dragon con. Also I have been working with WoTC, creating art for the online dragon magazine, and will have a piece in player handbook 2. I have also been creating card art for Legends of Norrath and Star Wars Galaxies. Anyway, that has been what I have been up to over the past year.
Now that's out of the way, (since most of my current work falls under NDA's) I wanted to post up some of my speed oil painting value studies. These are done from life in 10 to 30 min. Figure drawing is a really critical part of my process and I do it as often as my schedule allows (ideally 2 or 3 times a week) This comes from an exercise that I saw Dan Dos Santos demo while at the master class. I have been dying to try it, and now that I have... it's not as easy as Dan made it look! Enjoy!

Hi, I just found your blog. Its the mirror image of mine, practically.
anyhow, looking forward to your work. cheers.
Hi Mike,
Thanks so much. Your work is amazing btw. Take care!
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